Being brave paid off!

How would you feel about coming to A Day Together? What would motivate you to come? We know (because people tell us afterwards) that many couples come because they want to invest in their relationship, make it stronger, help a marriage last a lifetime… Some couples come because they’re facing a challenge or are struggling. […]

A year down the line…

Charli Mathew shares her eye-opening experience attending A Day Together (ADT) before and after getting married. A Day Together in Newcastle in October was mine and Dave’s second time doing the course. Dave and I got married on the 17th July 2015 and we did ADT whilst we were engaged, almost exactly two years ago. […]

Lee & Bonnie’s story

Imagine getting married in Perth, Australia having been baptised in the Indian Ocean two weeks earlier. Sounds amazing! I could never have guessed that this would happen when I first met Lee and Bonnie eighteen months ago in London at a FamilyLife ‘A Day Together’ seminar. Lee and Bonnie introduced themselves at the end of […]

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