Mike & Becca prepare for marriage

Mike and Becca enjoyed taking part in a Together small group during the six months leading up to their wedding. Becca told us: “It was a great way to meet other couples and learn from them as there was a variety of ages and each couple was at a different stage of their marriage.”

They said that some sessions were particularly helpful. Becca told us: “We found the Communication week particularly interesting. It’s so true that we can go through our lives not communicating on a deep level or really getting to the root of a disagreement. As a couple made up of two very different personalities it was really helpful to have questions and thoughts to direct us to discuss the different ways we react to situations etc. We also found ‘the feelings iceberg’ which is featured in the ‘Handling our feelings constructively’ week very interesting as it highlighted something we’d never really considered but discovered to be accurate to us and how there are often other emotions underlying the one that you express.”

Together is designed for married couples but is suitable for engaged couples and will help you learn about marriage God’s way and lay a lasting spiritual foundation for your relationship. There are nine sessions, each covering a different topic with questions that are appropriate for a group. In between the group meetings everyone is encouraged to meet for a private ‘Couple Time’.

Becca: “The ‘Couple Time’ was really helpful. It was good to make time between sessions to go over what had been discussed the previous week and to work out how to apply the ideas to our relationship as well as talking about anything we had different views on.”
Mike and Becca were enthusiastic about Together: “We would recommend the course to people at any stage of their marriage.”

You can learn more about Together as well as watching a short video on our dedicated Together website, www.togetherinmarriage.com

The phrases in the Together workbook refer to those who are already married and so you will need to make allowances for that if you are preparing for marriage. We do not propose to give engaged couples a completely rewritten study but there are certain sessions where some adaptation is helpful and these changes are available free to registered members. Contact us to register and request your free “Together – Engaged Couples Resource”.

Our resources can be purchased through Agapé:

Together (Workbook) £7.49
Together (Leader’s Guide) £12.49

FamilyLife UK is a ministry of Agape Ministries Ltd
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