Sex …the BIG questions

Sex. It’s a tricky subject isn’t it? It’s one of those topics we find hard to talk about even with close friends, let alone engaging with what others or our culture is saying about it.

FamilyLife’s Vision and Equipping event: Sex …the BIG questions will help us think through this challenging topic and equip us to respond well. Whether you are married, in a relationship, single, a parent, grandparent or teenager, this event will aim to guide us through the difficult questions and complex issues that surround sex.

This year we have two guest speakers who will be helping us engage with this subject. Today, I’d like to introduce you to Anne Witton.

Anne grew up in Manchester and went to University College London where she became a Christian. She is currently working for Agapé and has had roles with Agapé Student Life in Newcastle and the central Communications team. She is also heading up Agapé’s City Strategy in Newcastle. She loves photography, trains, hanging out with friends, playing pool and eating eggs.

Anne regularly talks on this subject and has real insight and wisdom to share. When thinking about this topic, Anne wrote:

“It’s so refreshing to take a critical look at the narrative on sexuality, identity and tolerance that we are being fed by the media, advertising and the internet. It’s good to see Christians really engaging with these issues and thinking about how to apply biblical wisdom to the complexities of modern identity politics. It isn’t enough for us to opt out of trying to understand the culture around us – if we want to love people and help them to find their identity in Christ, we need to understand where they’re coming from.”

We need to start presenting that a fulfilled and Christ-centred life is not just possible – it’s deeply attractive. Whether we are gay or straight, whatever background we have come from, there is a cost to following Christ, but it is always worth it.”

We will also be joined by Matt Walmsley, church leader, bible teacher, husband, father and Liverpool supporter! He’ll be providing his own experiences and insights during the day too. We’ll introduce you to Matt next time…

Come along and bring friends!

Saturday 2nd February

9:30 – 5pm

Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull, West Midlands

Registration closes at midnight on 29th January 2019


Emma Parkin

November 2018

FamilyLife UK is a ministry of Agape Ministries Ltd
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167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW
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