NEW FamilyLife Facilitator couples trained

We recently trained several new couples from the UK, Malta and Spain …and what a great bunch of smiley, fun people they are!

The couples were training to become FamilyLife Facilitators so that they can go back to their communities and make a difference. They worked hard but the photos below also show how much fun we had doing it!

Facilitator couples represent FamilyLife in their communities helping to strengthen marriages and family life. They volunteer their time to speak at and organise events such as the one day couple’s seminar, ‘A Day Together’ and by running small groups for couples using the ‘Together’ resource.

The weekend was also significant because the FamilyLife UK team have been working for almost a year to produce an all NEW Facilitator training. It worked! The couples arrived looking a little like scared rabbits and left jubilant. Leslie: “It was brilliant! It has given all of us the skills and confidence to work in our countries.”

To find out more about the next FamilyLife Facilitator training contact us HERE.




FamilyLife UK is a ministry of Agape Ministries Ltd
Registered charity No. 258421
167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW
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